For this webiste is PAUL JOST GmbH responsible.
Heerstr. 20, 44653 Herne
Tel. +49 (0)2325 9596-0
Fax +49 (0)2325 9596-50
Registered office of the company: Mülheim, HRB 15292 Duisburg
Turnover tax identification number: DE 119 552 348
The information and data contained on our website have been complied with the greatest possible care. However, any liability or warranty for the up-to-dateness, correctness and completeness of the information and data provided is excluded. This also applies to all other websites to which reference is made by way of hyperlinks. Paul Jost GmbH is similarly not responsible for the content of any such hyperlinked websites. Paul Jost GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information or data provided without prior notice.
The information and data provided on the Paul Jost GmbH website give the user an overview of our company for information purposes but do not constitute any encouragement or request to purchase, sell or engage in any other trade.
Paul Jost GmbH is entered in the commercial register of the Local Court of Duisburg under the number HRB 15292.
Managing Director are Mr. Michael Prahl (Minden) and Mr. Markus Elmendorf (Mülheim an der Ruhr).
The turnover tax identification number of Paul Jost GmbH is DE 119 552 348.
Paul Jost GmbH
Timmerhellstr. 7
45478 Mühlheim